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Tuesday 22 February 2011

Inflation of Time

This is a simple societal classification theorem which I formed a long time ago that should leave you asking questions.

If you take a look at the society that surrounds you, you should see that it seems that most people seem encumbered with work, kids, and stress. Examining the past 100 years, it is evident that humans have never been this preoccupied in all of history. Humans will continue to become more occupied as time advances. Proof? Well, take a look at where we are now, and where we were 25 years ago. Before, sleeping for 8 hours each day was never an issue. Nowadays, you'd be lucky to even get 6.

As a student, I can already feel the implications of such an increasingly amount of induced stress. I can only imagine what it's like for the working class. These implications led me to my theorem. Take money, for example, which inflates over the years at a rate of about >3%/yr (known as the inflation rate). This is no problem for economies because they can expand to infinity theoretically. Time, however, is fixed. There are 86400 seconds, or 1440 minutes, or 24 hours in day. If our relative time continues to inflate, that is to say our time spent working rather than sleeping continues to increase, then how can we ever get this time back? It's not like we can extend the amount of time in a day, because we'd reach a point where we would be sleeping in the mornings.

This is not intended to be the new Unified Field Theory, but some simple food for thought, and I hope you enjoyed it.

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